Sunday, November 11, 2012

Coffee Hound Fundraiser!!

We're going to start our Coffee Hound fundraiser!!  We will be selling through Sunday November 25th.  Order sheets need to be in Turner 141 in the  Black Box by Tuesday November 27th.  We've strategically planned these sell dates to be the week before and the week of Thanksgiving break, so that you all have a chance to sell here in town as well as to your families, neighbors, etc. over break, and the bags of coffee will be available for pick-up during finals week (if that does not work for you, please let us know closer to the date) so that you can deliver them to those here in town, as well as at home over Winter break.

If anyone has missed the basic concept of this, it will be you asking your friends, family, neighbors, etc., to buy bags of Coffee Hound coffee (whole beans or ground... 3 different flavors) from you for $14, so that your club can get $5 per bag to put toward things like food at meetings and transportation for trips. We have a goal of at least 3 bags sold per club member, but don't let that stop you! SELL SELL SELL!

Sell sheets were e-mailed out to all members, but there are also some available to pick up in Turner 141!

Good luck guys!